ABM Program Case Study

Securing engagement and appointments with Targeted Prospects

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Our client is the leading provider of SaaS and data analytics solutions that support clinical research. Their products and services help advance all stages of clinical trials.

Appointment setting program request

This AI solutions and advanced healthcare analytics company wanted a creative way to secure engagement between their most highly desirable prospect accounts and their sales team. Their specific request was to develop an appointment setting program built off a dimensional mailer focused on their disease state-specific solution.

Our strategy was based on high degrees of personalization, use of a high-end dimensional mail program, and tightly orchestrated tactics.

Developing a creative concept and messaging

Dimensional mail packages rely on close alignment between the proposed giveaway and the benefits the client’s solution brings to their customers. Sudden Impact’s creative team developed four concepts that checked all the boxes. Our client selected “Time to Market Matters. Shorten the Distance from Trial to Launch”, with the giveaway being an Apple Watch.

The dimensional mailer would be a mockup of an actual Apple Watch box, containing a lift sheet explaining the client’s value proposition to organizations developing new therapies for the clinical trial stage.

A buck slip in the package contained a QR code that launched a personalized landing page, recognizing both the prospect and their organization. The campaign landing page gave the prospect more detail about the solution benefits and a form to schedule an appointment with their representative.

For European prospects, an all-digital version of the mailer was created in email to allow representatives to include their prospects in the campaign.

A series of emails were created to follow up on the dimensional mail package as a reminder to schedule an appointment.

The campaign targeting

The intent of the campaign was to pursue a small number of highly desirable prospects. The launch goal was to reach 40 campaign targets. The US-based representatives selected accounts they felt represented ideal potential customers.

From there, our client pulled contacts from their CRM for the selected accounts. Sudden Impact Marketing was asked to procure 3rd party data on executives from those accounts as well.

Sudden Impact Marketing then used the phone team to verify contacts were still at the target company, whether they worked from the office, and—if they were remote workers—what was a preferred mailing address.

Campaign execution

The campaign launch initiated with the drop of the mail packages, followed up 5 business days later with the first email reminder. The Sudden Impact Marketing phone team also started calling recipients at the 5-business-day mark to ensure the recipient received the mailer and to see if they could set the appointment.

At the 10-business-day mark, the second email dropped, and the phone team made another pass of calling through the prospect list.

The results

Two prospects directly registered from the dimensional mail package, and two more appointments were secured from the Sudden Impact Marketing phone team follow-up.

The 4 appointments set represent a 10% conversion rate for this program.

Future directions

Based on the outcomes of this effort, future opportunities with this client include writing an eBook, additional content creation, another direct mail piece, and more database work for this unique and valuable client.

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