Phone Engagement Case Study

How we saved small and
mid-size customers from
falling through the cracks

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Sudden Impact Marketing (SIM) deployed our internal personal engagement phone team to call and collect information around prospective at-risk clients who would benefit from a software refresh.

SIM received a list of over 600 unique small- to mid-size businesses to contact. The information provided included company name and location, but no contact information—neither email addresses nor phone numbers.

Our highly qualified, proficient phone team worked across time zones, conducted research across various sources, and reached out to prospects via email, mobile, and office numbers.

To aid this effort, SIM was equipped with a 50% promotional offer which commanded attention and drove engagement—boosting the conversation from call to conversion.

The situation

A Regional Distributor and Select Partner for a global leader in industrial software was tasked with keeping its customers’ systems updated—keeping pace with new versions, security enhancements, changes in the operating environment, and technical advances. Consequently, customers who did not keep up-to-date risked losing time, efficiency, or worse.

While our client was able to provide hands-on attention to their largest customers, enabling their modernization efforts and refresh cycles, they lacked the bandwidth to personally engage with every one of their small- to mid-level customers.

Compounding this challenge, their internal sales and marketing database was riddled with huge information gaps—on both product and contact details. This meant they might run the risk of missing critical customer information, and that was simply unacceptable.


To maintain consistency and ensure campaign continuity, a similar engagement approach was applied across the business into other customer-facing product and service programs, enabling greater reach into this installed base market and ensuring continued business from small- to mid-sized customers.

The results




Live conversations


Sales appointments


Warm leads


Total leads


Opportunities generated
($568k at 50% markdown)

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